Friday, 20 January 2012

#00 - The Rebirthening

Well, I'm now an expert in abusing blogs, I mean I have a damn degree in it! But HEY Speaking of degrees; I am now on a degree course. BA(Hons)Narrative & Sequential Illustration with Oxford Brookes. I'm actually halfway through the first year now, but hey, now I have a surplus of work to post, right? Right.

We'll start with this:

This poster was my submission for a mundane object project. I sort of reverse engineered the hole thing by working on everything but leaving the actual object until last. I wouldn't suggest working like this, but if you're like me and once you have an idea you like so much it wont shift, no matter how hard you try, it can be pulled off.
Our Inspiration was to be drawn from posters created to inform or advise, I chose kitsch 50's - 60's adverts and gave them a playful/menacing twist, needless to say others worked on the same sorts of posters, it is in after all.

More to come, soon!


  1. Super amounts of <3 for this but I have told you that in person so many times :)

  2. hey! visit and followed you here now already. will you visit and follow mine too? it was so pleasure for me. thank you there :D
